Water Sector Capacity Building and Advisory Services Project
Source of funding
IDA / World Bank Credit (USD 34.95 million)
Project Development Objective (PDO)
The objective of the Project is to improve the management and investment planning of Water Resources in the Indus River System through the following:
- Capacity Building and Support to Federal and Provincial Institutions in Water Resources Planning and Management
- Improvement in Water Resources Management and Development
- Project Management, Coordination, Training and Strategic Studies
Estimated Cost and Duration
- Cost: US $ 44.81 million
- PC-II Approval by ECNEC: January 10, 2015
- Duration: February 05, 2016 to June 30, 2021
Major Project Components
Technical Studies
- Improving hydraulic modeling and material testing capacity and capability through up-gradation of existing and establishing new hydraulic and material testing labs of PIDs for supporting water management.
- Improving accuracy in water accounting on real time basis of IBIS through installation of telemetry system and hydraulic calibration of IBIS sites by IRSA.
- Reliable flow forecasting through establishing flow forecasting system of Kabul River by WAPDA.
- Generating reliable hydro-met data for weather forecasting through installation of automatic weather stations and combined hydro-met stations across the Indus Basin by WAPDA.
- Supporting MoWR through the provision of staff and equipment for proposed Planning and Development section, and IT & Mass Communication cells.
- Supporting the implementation of National Water Policy (NWP) through the provision of required staff and equipment for the establishment of Policy Implementation Cell (PIC). Implementation Cell will act as secretariat for National Water Council.
- Establishment of a national database to support the PIC.
- Capacity enhancement of Office of Pakistan Commissioner for Indus Waters (PCIW).
- Training and capacity building of water professionals of MoWR, O/o CEA/CFFC, PCIW, PIDs, FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan.
Providing logistic and equipment support to water related institutions.
- Provision of operational vehicles for federal and provincial departments.
- Provision of equipment, office goods, and furniture for federal and provincial department
Training and capacity building
- Training and capacity building of Federal and Provincial Organizations including MoWR, O/o CEA/FFC, PCIW, PIDs, FATA, Gilgit-Baltistan etc.