Genesis of Pakistan Water Charter:-
Taking cognizance of the long gestation periods and colossal cost of mega water sector projects, usually extend beyond the constitutional five years tenure of a government and that transfer of power from one government/ political party to another does not affect water sector development in any manner and that approved projects continue as per agreed time and cost stipulations and the fact that Federating Units enjoy Autonomy in water governance, on the initiation of a proposal by Federal Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources, and the Federal Government along with all the Federating Units signed an historic Water Charter in the broader interest of the present and future generations of Pakistan and have forged a consensus.
This is a landmark manifestation and commitment of national cohesion and unity and owing to comparatively lesser priority given to water sector projects for decades in view of their long gestation periods staggering beyond the 5-year tenure of any elected government with continuously dwindling financial allocations from as high as 13% of PSDP in FY 2009-10 to minuscule 3.7% in FY 2017-18. This Charter is therefore a “CALL FOR ACTION” and “THE DECLARATION of A WATER EMERGENCY”. It proclaims as “We must now look beyond our differences and come together as a nation to rise to the challenge that is before us. We have done so before, and we can do it again. We will seize the day and secure our collective future. This is our promise to the coming generations”.
National Water Policy & Water Charter 2018 (24-04-2018)
Signing Ceremony